3 product(s) found for "Willys MB Ford GPW Jeep spares"
Willy MB or Ford GPW jeep steering column spring goes onto the steering column before the wheel Willys part number 639190 Ford GPW part number GPW3517 These came in a consignment of Willys MB Ford GPW spares I bought in the 1990's when they're gone they're gone If orderig outside the UK please email...
Willys MB Jeep timing chain cover
WW2 Willys MB Jeep engine timing chain cover Willys part number A1190 also fits Ford GPW
Willys MB Ford GPW accelerator lever assembly and bracket
This is an original take off accelerator pivot bracket. This fits on the back of the engine block (134L flat head). This is in really good condition for it's age. This is correct for the Willys MB, Ford GPW. This is the real thing. QTM Parts