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1941 Civilian Gas mask and carry case London transport provenance
1941 Civilian Gas mask and carry case London transport provenance
1941 Civilian Gas mask and carry case London transport provenance
1941 Civilian Gas mask and carry case London transport provenance
1941 Civilian Gas mask and carry case London transport provenance

1941 Civilian Gas mask and carry case London transport provenance

Product Code: gasmasklondon
Product Condition: Used
weight: 1500.0g
£65.00 inc. tax
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Here is a 1941 dated civilian gas mas it is marked L.P.T.B. (London Passenger Transport Board) there is a faint address on the flap 27 Dean Road, Hounslow. The case has the anti-dimming tin still in place there are no buttons on the case. Interesting relic of the blitz. Delivery UK mainland £8
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